Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Pampered Chef show!

I had my first Pampered Chef show on Friday. It went well :). It wasn't too hard either!! Even though just a few people came, it was nice to do a show around everyone I knew and that if I messed up, it didn't really matter (though I didn't really, lol). Now I just hope that I can keep it going and be able to do lots of shows every month, and make some much needed money to pay off our debt! Tonight I'm going to practice making some Elegant Artichoke Cups as an appetizer dish I can make at shows.

I am starting to feel a lot at home here, and its really nice. I am getting to know some people and doing lots of things. Being able to get out and about in town really helps the days go by quicker (quicker days=happier baby/mommy). We usually get out and do at least 2-3 things a week, plus our regular errands. Last week, we didn't have one day in, it was kind of hectic (I try to have at least one day where we can just lounge around the house, play, clean, etc.). This week we are going to the mall as a playdate, I have a MNO thing (free) that I'm going to with Madai, Water Play in the fountains, and then I'm going to Disney World on Friday with Winston when he is coming down here!! It should be a fun week :).

Oh and we went to Disney on Ice yesterday at 11:30! It was their Princess Classics show, and it was really good!! I am hoping we got a few good pictures, but its hard when they are moving so quickly!

1 comment:

  1. شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالمدينة المنورة
    تعتبر مشكلة تسربات المياه بين الأسقف والجدران، من أكثر المشاكل التي تواجه ربات البيوت بصفة عامة، حيث أنها من المشاكل التي عند إهمالها ينتج عنها أضرار جسيمة، من أهمها انهيار العقار كلياً.
    لذلك أن بأمس الحاجة للتعامل مع شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالمدينة المنورة، التي توفر لك أحدث التقنيات التي تساعد على الكشف عن التسربات دون الكسر أو التخريب للجدران، وهذا ما يبحث عنه كافة العملاء
