Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wow, its already been a week!

I can't believe its already been a week, though I guess that's good in most senses.

I have been adding some posts to ourvoyagetofinancialfreedom.blogspot.com and outlining what we're doing, how its going, and month to month progress. Its hard to stay motivated when we only write one big check a month, but none the less, it feels good to do it. I'm seriously considering taking on a part-time job when Phil gets done with this Clarksville job. Unfortunately, it'd be impossible for either of us to add something on. He has volunteered taking the job, but I think I'd rather get out of the house and work and let him spend some time with the baby. If I do (or he does), we're going to set a limit on it, so that we don't get overwhelmed. Still lots to think about that.

Phil had this past weekend off, and that was VERY nice! He came home Thursday night and didn't have to go back until today at noon. He also started carpooling with his coworker today (he didn't have a choice), so hopefully that won't tack on too much extra time. We went on a date Sunday too and Natalie watched the baby. It was our first date since Charlotte was 1 week old when Mom watched her while we went to dinner. Phil and I went and bowled a couple games... it had been a very long time, and then went out to dinner someplace near Natalie's school. I think its called Jackson's. Its a bar and pub type of place, but was very delicious. It is where Natalie went for her 21st birthday.

I also got a chance to finish making baby food, I found that its very hard to do with an unhappy baby, and its not really something I can just up and leave. We also really enjoyed each others company (and Charlotte too) and had some much anticipated family time. I hope that he gets another good long weekend off again soon!!

I've started to watch 30 Rock again. I had started it, but didn't get too into it. Now, of course, I'm addicted. I don't think that the beginning of the first season was very good, but once I got to the halfway point or so, it picked up. And I have to admit that Alec Baldwin is very attractive, is that normal? I mean he's old! I don't know if he's one of those actors a lot of people like. I didn't really think so until the past few nights... you know maybe its just his character, hmmm. So, now I'm laying awake at 12:30 am, unable to sleep. For some reason that always happens after I watch a few shows of something. Too much visual stimulation I guess... not that this is helping.

Nothing that new going on with Charlotte. She's getting around better and better, but still doing her "army" crawl. She's also starting to throw fits whenever she doesn't get her way. If I just ignore her for a minute or two she gives up and finds something to play with. I am not looking forward to the full-blown tantrums. Maybe we can just skip over that phase? doubtful. She's getting more and more vocal and adding a few consanants in here and there, so that has been fun to listen too. She absolutely LOVES peek-a-boo and enjoys finger foods. I think she'd rather just have finger foods than baby food, but I just made A LOT of it, so she'll have to eat it for a while more. She's not even 8 months, she'll be ok.

Tomorrow there is a HUGE consignment shop that I'm hoping to make it too. Hopefully Phil will be back in time and I can g without the baby. I'm hoping to find her some cute summer clothes and maybe a toy or two if there's something that she'll love (she has so many though!) Friday, I have MOPS and am looking forward to it. I am curious as to what their normal schedule is and how everything goes. It should be good though. I will really enjoy the time with other mothers and know that Charlotte is in good hands. Plus she'll get to interact with other babies too!!

Speaking of which, I went to a play group on Wednesday and it was so much fun. It was through the site meetup.com and it was my first time. It was very nice to see the other mothers and the babies interact. I couldn't believe how much the babies interacted with each other, even Charlotte was busy poking and trying to get the attention of the other kids. It will be very interesting to see them grow up more and interact at further playdates.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I hear you on writing the one check a month thing. Now that all our big checks have cleared to pay three off (and we're officially poor now) getting to only write a little check each month is going to suck! I'm still really ambitious about getting it paid off. I have a bad habit of just staring and hoping and wishing at our student loan spreadsheet, lol. Good luck finding a part time job, I've had a really hard time, but I guess I haven't been looking as hard as I should. Christopher and Banks has been reallly slow on getting back to me, I still haven't heard anything and it's been like 3 weeks! I'm getting frustrated!

    That long weekend with Phil sounds great! If I didn't suck so much at bowling it would be really fun to go with M sometime. Last time we went with that alumni group I think I might've bowled a 60. That's really bad! I hope you both are better than I am. At least if he's carpooling now he can sleep if he's not driving and still maybe get paid for it.

    I was watching the news on the other day and they have a 'Beating the Recession' segment and they had a mom with a baby on there and she was making her own baby food and talking about how much money it saves! Sounds like you're doing the same thing! She said it's supposed to be so much healthier too.

    Hahaha, you crack me up that you think Alec Baldwin is hot. Have you ever watched him on SNL? I think he's on there so much because they can't get anyone better to host that I don't think he's very funny anymore. I think Tina Fey would be hilarious, at least she was on SNL.

    It's so good that you're getting involved in these playgroups and keeping social. I need to do a better job of finding a hobby! :)
